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How To Stop A Puppy From Chewing?

Puppy chewing too much? It needs to stop for good. Because it causes damage to the puppy’s health and surroundings. There has been much research on the topic. To stop a puppy from chewing offer safe toys, discourage bad chewing, and reinforce good behavior.

I, a seasoned veterinarian myself, have worked with many of my co-workers to figure out the right way to stop a puppy from chewing. Today, I am here to help you to stop your puppy from chewing.

Puppy chewing

Key Takeaways

Here are the 4 key takeaways from this article.

  1. Reasons behind puppy chewing behavior.
  2. Difference between regular chewing and destructive chewing behavior in puppies.
  3. 7 effective ways to stop a puppy from chewing.
  4. Additional tips & tricks to stop a puppy from chewing.

Why Puppies Chew?

According to a study that analyzes chewing behavior in dogs, puppies chew due to teething, instincts, and curiosity. Puppies chew to soothe teething and explore. Chewing lets puppies explore textures, tastes, and the environment.

Puppies explore through chewing behavior, a curiosity-driven habit. Boredom triggers chewing in puppies without stimulation.

As stated by ASPCA, destructive chewing is very common in puppies. It can also stem from boredom, anxiety, separation anxiety, medical issues, or inadequate training.

Is Chewing Bad or Good for Puppies?

Indeed it is a debatable topic. Do you know chewing is not an abnormal behavior at all! There are 2 types of chewing behavior. Regular chewing helps pups, but destructive chewing harms them and their surroundings. Let’s discuss how you can tell them apart.

Regular Chewing

Regular chewing is when a puppy chews without causing damage. Puppies may chew on toys, rawhide bones, dental chews, or bully sticks. Research says long-lasting chews make dogs feel better and happier when alone. Chewing also helps puppies feel good, relieves boredom, and keeps their teeth healthy.

Destructive Chewing

When a puppy’s chewing behavior causes damage or destruction, it is called destructive chewing. Puppies chew on household items like shoes, furniture, etc. It causes destruction
As per Dr. Lundgren, a renowned veterinarian, puppies often have underlying issues behind such behavior.

Stop Puppy Chewing

How to Stop a Puppy from Chewing?

As discussed earlier, destructive chewing can cause harm to your beloved pup. Therefore, we advise you to tackle chewing behavior earlier. Take a look at the best ways to stop a puppy from chewing.

Safeguard Your Home

Start by puppy-proofing your home. Remove hazards, secure objects, and offer safe toys. Also, install baby gates to limit access. Ensure you have a puppy-proofed both indoors and outdoors of the house. It will limit the puppy’s access to harmful and delicate items. It will stop chewing and promote good behavior.

Comfort During Teething

The pain and discomfort of teething may lead to excessive chewing behavior. You can provide old chew toys and frozen puppy food. You can also gently massage puppies’ gums to provide relief.

Train for preferred chewing habits

Chewing isn’t bad if the puppy learns what’s right to chew. In fact, chewing benefits the brain, stress, anxiety, pain, and hunger. Teach the puppy what’s good to chew and what’s not.

Provide Chew Toy

Give your puppy toys they can chew. If they chew something they shouldn’t tell them ‘no’. When they chew the right thing, say ‘good job’. Research shows, that 83% of dog owners give their dogs chew toys that are not edible. Many of them later face medical issues.

Reinforce Good Behavior

When your puppy chews the chew toy, reword them. Repeat this positive reinforcement. Praise, treats, or touch works great as a reward. When your puppy starts destructive chewing, offer a chew toy.

As soon as the puppy starts chewing the toy, reward them for encouragement. This will help the puppy learn the desired chewing behavior.

Keep Puppies Occupied

According to Amy Shojai, a certified animal behavior consultant, many destructive puppy behaviors stem from boredom. To avoid boredom, always keep your pup occupied. Provide interactive toys, offer puzzle feeders, and rotate toys regularly. Accordingly, ensure regular playtime, walks, and training sessions.

Train for Anxiety & Stress Management

Start with early socialization with people and animals. Always reward calm behavior. Introduce anxiety triggers gradually. Then you can slowly increase exposure levels to such triggers. Train for separation anxiety. Maintain a routine for feeding, training, and sleeping. It will provide the puppy with a sense of safety and security.

Use Aversives Wisely

To use aversives for reducing chewing behavior apply deterrent sprays on furniture. You can also use bitter-tasting substances on items. Use a “no” command when caught chewing with a firm voice.

Consult Your Vet

Oral problems, stomach issues, and skin irritation can make dogs chew destructively. Hormonal imbalances and brain issues might also cause it. Joint pain and body problems can play a part too. It’s important to find and treat these issues to stop destructive chewing.

If there is an underlying health issue behind this behavior, regular tricks and tips will not do. Therefore, you must visit the vet in case of excessive chewing. A vet can help you to identify the cause and provide guidance for treatment.

Extra Tips To Stop A Puppy From Chewing

Extra Tips To Stop A Puppy From Chewing

Here are some tricks and tips to help you stop a puppy from chewing.

  1. Provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
  2. Use interactive training sessions to engage the pup.
  3. Offer safe bones or chews for variety.
  4. Redirect chewing with positive reinforcement.
  5. Offer durable toys designed for strong chewers.
  6. Avoid leaving tempting items within reach.
  7. Consider professional obedience training for guidance.

Wrap Up

Let’s wrap up what we’ve learned today!

  1. Understand why puppies chew.
  2. Differentiate between good and bad chewing.
  3. Puppy-proof your home and comfort during teething.
  4. Train preferred chewing habits with positive reinforcement.
  5. Keep puppies occupied to prevent boredom.
  6. Manage anxiety and stress through training.
  7. Use aversives wisely and consult a vet if needed.
  8. Implement additional tips for prevention.
  9. Act promptly to stop destructive chewing.
  10. Ensure a happy, healthy puppy.


Once you identify destructive chewing, then you should address it promptly. Now you know the most effective ways to stop a puppy from chewing. You can easily deal with such behavior with patience.

We wish you the best of luck in stopping your beloved puppy from chewing. Visit our website today, for more information on puppy care.


Jessica Comstock

Jessica Comstock

As a passionate dog breeder with 7 years of experience, I've dedicated my career to ethically and responsibly breeding dogs. My expertise in genetics, breed standards, and nurturing environments has allowed me to produce healthy, well-tempered puppies, ensuring their future owners receive loyal and cherished companions.

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